Thursday, April 30, 2020

Our family’s ‘third’ place: parks and community garden

Cynthia kneeling by community garden, digging in hole with left hand, and holding a potted plant in her right hand. She is wearing a green and brown mask that covers her nose and mouth
Shelter-in-place affects the way that we can work in our community garden
I’m taking a course in Sociology through Santa Rosa Junior College, and a recent discussion assignment asked, “Where is your ‘third’ place?”

Monday, April 27, 2020

Bicycle theft, a close-to-home social problem

For a Sociology class, I was asked to describe a close-to-home social problem, characterize it as “rural” or “urban,” and identify “objective” and “subjective” aspects of the problem. For this assignment, I described bicycle theft as an urban problem.